Congrats to Danny Mitchell on his win last night. The fight went the distance but in the 2nd round Danny had his opponent in a tight arm bar, bent about 2oo degrees but his opponent somehow gutted it out.
Pete Hill also fought but unfortunately lost by judges decision. Pete has the edge standing but his opponent, Shay Walsh, had the edge on the ground where most of the fight took place. Unlucky Pete but I am sure he will be back.
Congrats also to James 'Scraps' Saville on his win. It was a close match with his opponent having weight advantage and some brutal power but James did enough to score the win.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
John Kavanagh seminar
March 2nd SBG black belt John Kavanagh will be teaching a seminar at Caged Steel Gym in Dewsbury. Everyone that has trained before with John will tell you what an excellent game he has, you should really get to this seminar.
BJJ @ Caged Steel Gym
In addition to the BJJ classes run by Spenna at the moment, February will see us start our regular monthly Combat Base seminars at Caged Steel Gym in Dewsbury. next seminar is Attacking From The Back following the last seminar of Taking The Back from December. Date TBC
Coming Soon.....
January 12th Danny Mitchell and Pete Hill fighting at Ultimate Force in Doncaster.
January 19th Eddie Bravo seminar at Combat Base Northumberland.
January 27th X guard seminar at Combat Base Bolton.
Much, much more coming throughout the year, stay tuned.............
January 19th Eddie Bravo seminar at Combat Base Northumberland.
January 27th X guard seminar at Combat Base Bolton.
Much, much more coming throughout the year, stay tuned.............
New addition to the Combat Base family
Welcome to our latest addition, Combat Base Bolton. The group is run by my long term friend Carl Fisher, who is currently a purple belt. Already Carl has started organising and promoting so look for a busy year.
Update to Leo's Page
Check out the Omaplata part 2, this has been Leo's project now for some time and contains a lot of excellent information to improve your omaplata. Here