Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Combat Base Group Training Day - details

18th January 2009 at Caged Steel

Starts at 12:00pm, finishes round 4:00pm

Only £5.00 entry fee minimum (see below)

This is the first in what will hopefully be a regular session to get everyone in our group training together, whether you want to train gi, no gi, mma, wrestling, striking or whatever.

Whether you want to train on the mats, in the ring or in the cage there will be someone who will train with you without any ego or hidden agenda, it will be a friendly environment because it is only open to our group so be sensible, be a good training partner and train hard.

There will be a 20 minute workshop in every hour segment so:

12:00 to 1:00 will be workshop 1 plus free training & sparring
1:00 to 2:00 will be workshop 2 plus free training & sparring
2:00 to 3:00 will be workshop 3 plus free training & sparring
3:00 to 4:00 will be workshop 4 plus free training & sparring

The workshop coaches and material are still to be confirmed but I assure you that there will be someone who you have never trained with before teaching in a way that may be a little different to what you are used to, which is of benefit to everyone, it’s always great to have a different perspective on things.

Now the serious stuff, we have decided that some of the entry fee for the day will be donated to either a young girl who goes to the school where Andy K is a teacher (honest, he is a teacher) who was recently diagnosed with leukaemia and who’s family are having a hard time or we will make a donation to kids cancer charity Candlelighters who I have done fund raising for before and are a very worthwhile charity.

We are only asking for £5 entry fee to train for 4 hours so if you wish to donate a little more we will be having a collection on the day too. To raise more money we may have an auction or a raffle or something, any ideas?

We are due to start at 12:00pm and finish at 4:00pm but you don’t have to stay for the entire session, just turn up when you want, stay as long as you want then leave when you want, as long as you come through to support us that is all that matters.

We have some really talented people in our group, some great coaches and some great facilities but we are not really utilising them all. We all get caught up in our own little worlds sometimes so let’s all open up, support each other and make these days a real success.


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