Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Robson Moura Seminar at Factory BJJ/Combat Base Stockport

Champ Camp, the people responsible for bringing over some awesome Jiu Jitsu players, carried on that tradition by bringing Robson Moura to the UK for the first time. For those of you that don't know who he is, shame on you, google him then check out Rolling Reflections.

My friend, Leo Kirby, had trained numerous times with Robson and highly recommended him so to say I was excited about this opportunity was an understatement.

I had been told that as well as being an outstanding competitor he was also a very good teacher which turned out to be right on the money as he skilfully guided us through a nice section on guard making everything look effortless.

Robson will be back in September to enter the ADCC so if he gives any more seminars you really should try to get there.

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