Monday, 1 August 2011

Sandbaggers and cheats

Another competition over and more competitors walk away with medals they don't deserve.

Why do you say that I hear you ask?

All the no gi competitions are basically based on trust when it comes to training time and which division to enter.

If a competition says novice is under 2 years then only enter novice is you have trained under 2 years otherwise what is the point?

If you are an experienced guy but don't feel you can go into advanced division for some reason then you need to take a look at yourself and your training. If you don't think you can compete at that level and are really scared to try in case you lose then don't but FFS don't go into novice just to get a medal to feel good about yourself and spoil it for genuine novices.

Do you really not understand that it is CHEATING. Even worse if the coaches know about it and support it too.

One of our guys, Mikey, won a tourney last time and just got his blue belt. When he entered the tourney this time he entered advanced as a test, he could have entered novice again as he has trained less than 2 years but what would have been the point!!

These guys that are scared to go into the correct peer groups should take a look at the ladies from Leicester Shootfighters. They will jump in and compete against anyone even the men, they are always out-weighed and out-strengthed yet they go in and give it their best shot. Caz must be about 50kg and will still compete under 70kg against men!!

Who do you think comes out of it with the most credit? The ladies who fight anyone regardless of size, weight, gender etc or the guy who steals gold in the novice division because he can't compete with his peers?

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