A big shout of appreciation goes out to Darren and Helen Currie for making this happen; with only twenty fours hours notice at their disposal, a good turnout welcomed Chris Haueter to the gym in Pontefract, where Chris took the no gi class. Chris has recently been touring South Africa, giving a number of seminars out there and on his return to LA, Chris has stopped by in the UK, to travel up to Scotland, where he is cornering one of his students in an MMA fight.
Prior to the MMA fight, Darren and Helen were lucky to get Chris to stay over in Pontefract for 48 hours and as a result, it was another road trip to the historic market town for the Fighting Photographer.
Chris started the class with a quick warm up and went in to show the class the way to execute a proper sprawl and after showing a number of takedowns from the clinch, Chris took the class through a number of sweeps and submissions from the sprawl position for the man on top and also for the man on the bottom, who, after the sprawl, had managed to secure one leg.
From there, Chris showed the class a few techniques from the guard position, including the two on one hand position, applicable for MMA and from this position, introduced the ‘Russian’, a very deceptive little hand and arm tie up, that can lead into turn overs and submissions galore.
Sadly, time was against Chris to show us everything from this position and the class finished off with rolling from the sprawl position; from this position Chris warmed himself up on Darren before moving on to my good self and after a walk in the park (for Chris!), he returned to finish off Darren, before moving back and doing the same to me!
Chris will be back in the UK around July, where he will be here for around two weeks, taking classes and running seminars at various Combat Base clubs, so expect to see more reports and pictures in the summer!
Check out http://combatbasebolton.blogspot.com/
Carl Fisher
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