January 19th saw the return of Eddie Bravo to the UK being hosted by our friends in the North, as we had trained with Eddie previously, this seminar was a must attend.
The seminar was to be 2 hours half guard and 2 hours rubber guard with a healthy sprinkling of butterfly thrown in to link the 2 together. The seminar proved to be one of the largest I have ever been to, with around 60 people in attendance.
For people that can see beyond the pro-weed, wannabe rockstar there is an authentic bad ass BJJ black belt and excellent teacher. There is a genius in Eddie’s system, everything is well worked out, well drilled and above all else has a progression, a hierarchy of position. Forget the unusual, sometimes weird names given to the techniques, the system has structure and Eddie’s drill sergeant method of coaching is outstanding.
There is an argument that says that the more unusual or random the name anyway, the more likely you will remember it.
Rather than go through everything we did, suffice to say that Eddie said he had taught over half of his bottom game and, I for one, believe him because my brain was at saturation point there was so much detail.
For anyone who says that he did nothing new as they have seen it all before on the internet, in his books or on his DVDs then I disagree, I have trained days, months and years of half guard and rubber guard but I got so much detail out of the seminar as well as seeing a couple of things that were new to me too.
I was lucky enough to work with Eddie himself on the day so got to feel the pressure and the execution of his technique, none of which you can get from books or DVDs so the next time he is in the UK, you must train with Eddie Bravo.
Eddie also did a technique photo shoot for Fighters Only magazine and web site so keep your eyes open.
For brief interview and photos check:
Finally, massive thanks to Steve Paynter for putting the seminar together.
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